Help! My Child Forgot How to Swim! 3 Easy Skills to Re-introduce your Child to the Water.

Mermaid Secret #1

Help! My Child Forgot How to Swim! 3 Easy Skills to Re-introduce your Child to the Water.

So, your child could swim last year, but this year it’s back to square one?

ARGH! It’s the worst!

DON’T WORRY! Your child did NOT forget, they are simply out of shape.

(Just like if you trained for a marathon, ran it, then took 3 months off and then tried to run it again. Not cute.)

The good news?

  • You don’t actually have to run a marathon.

  • This blog will detail out 3 simple, but vital, exercises to get your swimming like a mermaid/merman again.

Want an extra POP? Get A MERMAID’S GUIDE (The book) to augment these blogs! Reading the blogs is like watching Avatar in 2D. But having these blogs with A MERMAID’S GUIDE by your side is like watching avatar in 3D. Snag a copy of A MERMAID’S GUIDE and experience what it REALLY feels like to be a blue alien. Or, wait. No. But you WILL get an even better picture about what these blogs are talking about.

Let’s get to it! The THREE skills you MUST re-introduce to your child EVERY summer.

1)      Breath control.

2)      Breath expansions.

3)      Front floats. 

(My daughter has been swimming since she was 19 months old. Every summer I have to spend one lesson re-establishing a trust-based relationship with the water.)

1)      Breath control

Tell your child to take a deep breath and KEEP THEIR BUBBLES when they go under water. Proper breath control is the FIRST phase of learning to swim. This is called PUFFERFISH.

Mermaid Tip: If your child gets water up their nose have them HUMMMM. Mouth bubbles create a problem because your child feels like they are sinking, and they are if they blow out all their air! BUT, if your child can hold their breath, and fill their lungs up like a balloon…they will float! Read page 63 of A MERMAID’S GUIDE for more info.

2)      Breath expansion

Now that your child is under the water again and using proper breath control, it’s time to extend the breath! Start by going under the water for one second. Once they can do that, go under for two seconds. And then three. Once they can hold their breath for 5 seconds you are ready to move on to floatie magics!

Want to make sure your child isn’t drinking the water? Read about 4 “Scoop signs” to make sure your child is holding their breath properly, on page 74 of A MERMAID’S GUIDE.

3)      Front floats

Once your child can hold their breath for five seconds, you are ready for Floatie Magics. Have your child take a deep breath, and place their face in the water. Remind them to stay STILL and let the water hold them up!

Evelyn demonstrates Floatie Magic! She’s allowing the water to hold her up which establishes a TRUST BASED relationship with the water!

Evelyn demonstrates Floatie Magic! She’s allowing the water to hold her up which establishes a TRUST BASED relationship with the water!

 Once your child can hold their breath, and they remember that the water holds them up…now all they have to do is add on the kicks and arms to move the water out of their way! Once breath control and floatation is re-established, the rest falls into place easily.  

NOTE: If your child has never learned to swim with the RELAXATION BASED SWIM METHOD you’ll have to teach them the basics BEFORE you do these review items! Be sure to read A MERMAID’S GUIDE so your child can learn to swim in a mindful, empowering way.

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RBL (pronounced “Rebel”) for Relaxation Based Lifestyle

Stay tuned for the next blog “No Pool, no problem!” which will answer more questions, give simple tips, and bust myths.

(Sent with love, and an occasional free typo, every WEEKEND.)

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